

Corporate solutions in practice

The title offers an overall analytic review of technological, administrational, political and economic aspects of development and introduction of solutions for small and medium business.

Main topics:corporate and departmental telecommunications, local and global networks, Internet and intranet, equipment certification, information security and information protection, software, technologies and standards, data storage, novelties of telecommunication equipment, development trends of different technologies on the world and domestic telecommunication markets.

Since July 2005 magazine is reprinting on the regular basis materials from the wellknown to international business and ICT community editions "Information Week", "Network Magazine" and others, gathered on "TechWeb" and "Networking Pipeline" online information resources. These were the results of the licensing agreements gained between two publishers: SoftPress and CMP Media.

Readership: Managers and technical specialists of large and middle scale compa nies, responsible for corporate information and telecommunication systems organization.

More than 50% of circulation is distributed by subscription
address delivery - 45 %

Format: А4
Number of pages: 68+
Circulation: 6000 copies
Frequency: 10 issues per year
Cumulative readership is over 80 000 people

Advertising rates:
Page Size Price*
Width, mm Height, mm
4-th cover 210 297 $4500
3-rd cover 210 297 $3600
2-nd cover 210 297 $4100
2 pages 420 297 $6300
3-rd page 180 266 $4100
4-th page 180 266 $4100
1/1 (p. 5-15) 180 266 $3500
1/1 (p. 16-52) 180 266 $3000
3/4 vertical 134 266 $2300
horisontal 180 199
2/3 vertical 119 266 $2100
horisontal 180 175
1/2 vertical 88 266 $1650
horisontal 180 131
1/3 vertical 58 266 $1150
horisontal 180 86
1/4 vertical 88 131 $900
horisontal 180 64
1/8 vertical 42 131 $550
horisontal 180 30
* including all taxes

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