

Business and broadcasting technologies

Information analytic title Telemir addresses itself to the broadcasting companies and production studios top and middle range specialists as well as the representatives of related branches. Represents various information importan for professional growth and successful business management in the sphere of broadcasting and and telecommunications. The magazine is published since 1998.

Analytic materials and interviews with leading specialist allows a possibility of deep and detailed analysis of market condition, tendencies of its development, fairly elucidate the issues of legal regulation, financ ing and branch infrastructure development.

Contents: News, analytics, specialists consultations and comments, public opinion polls, presentations and reviews of equipment, professional education, advertising, marketing and PR within the branch, international experience.

Telemir magazine regularly organizes special inerest events. Traditionally the coferences and forums cover the following topics:

  • Newest technologies of videoproduction: formats, carriers, nonlinear montage
  • Newest technologies for cable network operators business development.
  • Novelties of digital world: tapeless technologies in tele and video production, digital movies.
  • The world of sattelite television (transmitting, receiving equipment, coding, signal processing, foreign TV-channels presentations)

Wide possibilities of business development and professional contacts are also provided by the magazine's web-site, where the latest company news, product novelties, top materials and a lot of other interesting and useful information for professionals is published.

Frequency: 6 times a year
Number of pages: 52+
Circulation: 5000 copies

Advertising rates:
Page Size Price
Width, mm Height, mm
4-th cover 210 297 $4100
3-rd cover 210 297 $2800
2-nd cover 210 297 $3400
3-rd page 180 266 $3400
4-th page 180 266 $3400
2/1 420 297 $3750
1/1 (p. 5-15) 180 266 $2200
1/1 (p. 16-52) 180 266 $180
3/4 vertical 134 266 $1600
horisontal 180 199
2/3 vertical 119 266 $1500
horisontal 180 175
1/2 vertical 88 266 $1100
horisontal 180 131
1/3 vertical 58 266 $800
horisontal 180 86
1/4 vertical 88 131 $600
horisontal 180 64
1/8 vertical 42 131 $400
horisontal 180 30
* including all taxes

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