
MM Money and Technologies

Ukrainian Industrial Magazine

MM Money & Technologies is a magazine for people, forming technological policy of industrial enterprizes - directors, chief production engineers, chief designers, leding specialists, managers of departments and services providing production of competitive products and offering services requested by industrial market.

Domestic experience of new technologies implementation, competitable products creation, unique scientific-technological developments; cost effective ways of productional tasks solution; domestic analogues of the newest world achievements in the field of materiology, design, metal processing, production automation and opti mization; information technololagy usage and affective management of industrial enterprize are represented in the magazine.

Combination of publications dedicated to different segments of Ukrainian industrial market allows constant reader to get perfectly selected and reliable information on real competitive posibilities of domestic products and ways of realisation of most difficult technical tasks, which separate enterprizes as well as the industry as a whole have to face.

The most topical isuues of ukrainian industry are presented in "MM Money & Technologies" magazine:

  • Power supprot and power saving technologies, uninterrupted power sources, electric drives, cable systems, new products and technologies in the field of power engineering, electrical engineering, machine building;
  • Complex enterprize management systems, new generations of automatic magament systems, industrial automation;
  • Newest machines and tools, equipment modernisation; CAD/CAM/CAE systems; wearproof and anticorrosion covers; welding tools and technologies.

Distribution: Distribution of the magazine is based on the concept of controlled circulation. Delivery database covers: industrial enterprizes (mostly operating in the branch of power supply, electrotechnics and maschine buikding); financial, investment and bank institutions, regional and central authorities.

Format: А4
Number of pages: 64+
Circulation: 10 000 copies
Frequency: 10 issues per year

Advertising rates:
Page Size Price*
Width, mm Height, m
4-th cover 210 297 $4200
3-rd cover 210 297 $3600
2-nd cover 210 297 $3900
2 pages 420 297 $6300
3-rd page 180 266 $3900
4-th page 180 266 $3900
1/1 (p. 5-15) 180 266 $3500
1/1 (p. 16-52) 180 266 $3000
3/4 vertical 134 266 $2550
horisontal 180 199
2/3 vertical 119 266 $2300
horisontal 180 175
1/2 vertical 88 266 $1700
horisontal 180 131
1/3 vertical 58 266 $1350
horisontal 180 86
1/4 vertical 88 131 $1100
horisontal 180 64
1/8 vertical 42 131 $650
horisontal 180 30
* including all taxes

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